Our little Layla Bug is 6 months old today! I can't believe how fast its gone by...I know everyone says that but seriously, it goes toooo fast! Her personality is coming out so much these days and she's hilarious. Her newest thing that she has started doing is sucking on her bottom lip and she gets the most hilarious, adorable look on her face when she does it. I've tried getting a picture but every time I pull out my phone or the camera to catch her, she get's excited and makes her 'excited face' (see picture below).
I have absolutely loved learning how to be a mom and have loved getting to know our sweet little girl. I'm pretty sure we have some super exciting years ahead of us with this ornery little baby :)
Layla's hair has also started to grow a lot in the last month so I HAD to put a bow in it with no headband. It's not quite ready for that yet but I just got excited, haha.
Layla loves to laugh and have fun. She is learning so many new things now and is really starting to pay attention to our actions and noises.
Some of her favorite things include:
*Being sung to
*Rubbing her hands through Daddy's hair
*Sucking on her toes. Yes...her toes.
*Being naked/getting her diaper changed - she gets really happy
*Playing in the shower
*Grabbing our faces
She is also starting to give hugs and kisses which are absolutely precious! And she is sitting up on her own now, which is very convenient.
I'm so thankful that God blessed us with this little miracle and cannot wait to continue to watch her grow and learn!